Board of Directors

The SRJHC Board of Directors is composed of volunteers who are dedicated to providing a fun, competitive hockey program in Santa Rosa. The board typically meets on the first Monday of each month, in The Warm Puppy Cafe. Board meetings are open to the general club membership. The minutes of past meetings and agendas for future meetings can be found under the documents tab on the left.

The board is dependent on volunteerism. Please consider participating! Any SRJHC member in good standing is eligible to join the board.

Board Meeting Agendas

Board meetings are typically scheduled for the first Monday of each month, at 6:45 p.m. If you have issues that you would like addressed, you are welcome to bring them to our attention by emailing the club secretary at the email address shown below. 

General Membership Meeting Info Below

2024-2025 Board of Directors

John Bruckbauer



Vice President

Jeane Bruckbauer


Michelle Gagnebin


Cheryce Thomas


Kevin McCallum



Chris Woida

Safesport Director


Renee Cacchi


Jesse Kofalk

ACE - Director of Coaches


Kyle Ferguson

Equipment Manager

Jenny Heffelfinger

Tournament Director

Steve Heffelfinger

Assistant Tournament Director

Micah Carlin-Goldberg

Digital Administrator


House Coordinator

Lauren Pesch

Special Events / Fundraising

Appointed, non voting members

Lydia Malani

Intro Coordinator

Alec Nuñez

Goalie Coordinator

Jamie Fialk

Assistant ACE

About General Membership Meetings

As written in the By-Laws: 


Section a.

 A minimum of two Board meetings per year shall be designated as General Membership meetings. One shall take place in the Fall (September or October) to present the general program for the year, the budget and to consider any matters requiring a vote by the general membership and one in the Spring (March or April) to conduct general election of Officers and to consider any other matters requiring a vote by the general membership. The Spring meeting shall be designated the Annual General Membership Meeting.


Section b. 

At least two weeks notice shall be given designating the time and place of a General Membership meeting. Minimum notice is posting a notice on the Club’s website.



  • Serve as Chairperson of the Board and ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee. 
  • Preside over all Board and General Membership meetings of the Club. 
  • Sign and execute all contracts in the name of the Club, as authorized by the Board.
  • Create ad hoc committees as necessary to address specific non-Coaching issues. 
  • Appoint the Chairpersons of all standing and ad hoc committee. 
  • Represent the Club in meetings and other proceedings of the Northern California Junior Hockey Association (NORCAL) or other state and national hockey organizations. 
  • Appoint replacements for positions vacated during the current term of office, with two-thirds majority Board approval. 
  • Ensure that all board members are doing their job in an appropriate manner. 
  • Serve other duties or functions as may be required by the Board.


  • Assist the President in the discharge of his/her duties. 
  • Serve in such capacities as may be assigned by the President. 
  • Perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President in his/her absence.Organize Team and Player Photographs. 
  • Serve on the Tournament Committee. 
  • Assist SafeSport Director in investigating and settle any non-player/coach conduct complaints. If escalation is required, develop a recommendation on the action to be taken on these complaints and bring that recommendation before the Board for approval.
  • Periodically review the Club’s policies, guidelines, By-Laws and Team Formation Guidelines, and recommend updates or modifications to the Board. Serve other duties or functions as may be required by the Board.


  • Record the minutes of all General Membership meetings of the Club and all Board meetings and report on each at subsequent meetings of each. 
  • Provide copies of the minutes of the most recent meeting of the Board to its members before the next meeting. 
  • Prepare the agenda of upcoming Board meetings with the approval the President. 
  • Communicate by email to current board members and post to the club website the date and time of board meetings. Reserve board meeting facility.
  • Maintain and update the Club’s official files, records and corporate documents.
  • Prepare and update as necessary a current Board of Directors roster list for NORCAL. 
  • Receive all official correspondence of the Club whether or not it is on official letterhead. 
  • Check the Hockey Payment Box one time per week during the regular season, deposit checks into the Club’s account, and provide the Treasurer a written accounting of deposits. 
  • Serve other duties or functions as may be required by the Board.


  • Keep an accurate record of Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable activities and report transactions at all board meetings.
  • Accounts Receivable - collect all money for Dues, Registration, Scholarships, Tournaments, etc. and allocate where money is spent. Tracking late fees charged to member’s accounts and writing letters to members whose checks are returned for non-sufficient funds.
  • Accounts Payable - Pay all bills for The Club (storage, ice time, equipment, refunds, insurance, tournament costs, USA Hockey, NORCAL and CAHA, etc.).Coordinate paying of the Referee bills and ice costs to the Scheduler for approval prior to payment.
  • Financial Statements - Prepare and supply all financial statements for the Club’s accountant to prepare taxes at the end of the Club’s fiscal year. Before the taxes can be prepared by the Accountant, the books must be reviewed by the President and Vice-President in office during the previous year if they are available and willing to review the books.
  • Check the Hockey Payment Box one time per week during the regular season, deposit checks into the Club’s account
  • General Duties - Responsible for changing signers on the bank accounts; responsible for collecting any and all back dues of Player Members who are past due on accounts; responsible for updating NORCAL of all Player Members not in good standing; responsible for supplying the Club with a budget at the Fall General Membership Meeting; report to the Board of Directors at meetings the account balances and outstanding Club bills.
  • Serve other duties or functions as may be required by the Board.


  • Maintain a current and complete Member roster and mailing list 
  • Attend NORCAL Registrars meetings whenever required. 
  • Communicate with other NORCAL officers as may be required. 
  • ​​​​​​​Maintain a current and complete roster of Coaches and Assistant Coaches. 
  • Ensure that each coach meets the minimum requirements set forth by USA Hockey.
  • ​​​​​​​Ensure that all Registration, Birth Certificates, Team Rosters, and other required documents are received by the NORCAL and USA Hockey Registrar by the appropriate deadline. 
  • Provide each Team Manager or Coach with documents for each player on the team, required for Tournaments and Playoffs. Currently, this includes preparation of the Team Book as prescribed by NORCAL. 
  • ​​​​​​​Organize and conduct registration sessions as required for regular season and special programs. 
  • Serve other duties or functions as may be required by the Board.


  • Liaise with NORCAL on all scheduling issues. 
  • ​​​​​​​Receive and disseminate information and material, including but not limited to game schedules and any scheduling changes. 
  • Attend NORCAL Schedulers meetings whenever required. 
  • ​​​​​​​Communicate with other NORCAL officers as may be required. 
  • Report to and advise the Club President, Director of Coaches and the Board on ice time needs, and ability to accommodate teams and other programs. 
  • ​​​​​​​Allocate, prepare and submit the season schedule for all the ice time necessary to accommodate the travel teams as requested by NORCAL and within the appropriate time frame. 
  • Schedule practice ice time for the travel teams, the house and the basic programs, the summer scrimmage, and any other Spring/Summer programs, activities and clinics. 
  • ​​​​​​​Liaise with the ice rink management on ice time allocations, cancellations and schedule changes during the course of the year. 
  • Prepare, post and distribute schedule in a timely manner to coaches and managers of the various teams, also to the rink management. Review and approve billing of ice time cost and referees cost for payment by the Treasurer. 
  • ​​​​​​​Coordinate the Spring/summer programs, remit funds and prepare income/cost report to the Treasurer. 
  • Serve other duties or functions as may be required by the Board.


  • Communicate effectively and efficiently with members and volunteers via telephone and e-mail. 
  • Coordinate, oversee and/or monitor status of background screening program for officials and volunteers. 
  • ​​​​​​​Be a resource for Affiliate and local programs on how to create and foster a positive SafeSport culture. 
  • Work with participants and parents to educate them about the SafeSport Program.
  • ​​​​​​​Understand the complaint reporting procedures and structure within USA Hockey. 
  • Track and maintain filing system for all SafeSport Reports in the program, investigations and outcomes following investigations, hearings or appeals. 
  • ​​​​​​​Take calls and respond to verbal and written reports from members or others regarding allegations of misconduct. 
  • Communicate to all relevant parties on progress and status of complaints, investigations, hearing procedures, appeals, and final resolutions. 
  • ​​​​​​​Coordinate and schedule disciplinary hearings to address alleged SafeSport violations, if and when necessary.
  • Take any on-line web seminars with CAHA or as directed by CAHA
  • ​​​​​​​Know Safe Sports modules USA hockey registration and CAHA background check
  • Have 3 team meetings per season per team; 1 with players, 1 with coaches, 1 with parents


  • Chair the Coaches Committee meetings
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Work with the President to recommend Head Coaching assignments for each travel team, and the House and Basics programs, and bring those recommendations before the Board for approval.
  • ​​​​​​​Assist each Head Coach as required on the selection of Assistant Coaches; approve the Assistant Coach recommendations of each Head Coach.
  • Ensure that all coaches understand and adhere to the Team Formation Guidelines; attend tryouts and monitor the team selection process.
  • ​​​​​​​Evaluate practice sessions and provide feedback to the Coaches.
  • Investigate and settle player and coach disputes or conduct issues. If escalation is required, the Coaches Committee shall develop a recommendation on the action to be taken and bring that recommendation before the Board for approval.
  • ​​​​​​​Convene periodic Coaches Committee meetings as required to resolve coaches’ or on-ice issues, or as requested by the President. A minimum of four Coaches Committee meetings shall be convened annually.
  • Develop coaches by encouraging and coordinating attendance at USA Hockey Coaches Clinics and other coaching clinics.
  • ​​​​​​​Plan, organize and execute periodic skills workshops for Coaches and players.
  • Establish a first aid program for all coaches and ensure that each coach attends
  • ​​​​​​​Establish and maintain a skills development program that crosses both the Basics, House and Travel Team programs to ensure a consistent progression from one program to the other.
  • Monitor the progress of the Basics, House and travel teams against the skills development program throughout the year.
  • ​​​​​​​Schedule coaches for the Spring/Summer programs.
  • Communicate with NORCAL and USA Hockey as necessary on all issues related to coaching for the Club.
  • ​​​​​​​Serve other duties or functions as may be required by the Board.


  • Determine equipment needs, purchase equipment within the budget determined by the Board of Directors, manage the storage of the Clubs equipment and maintain an inventory of the Club’s physical assets. 
  • Assist the Basics programs in issuing and receiving equipment. 
  • Serve other duties or functions as may be required by the Board.


  • Coordinate and execute fund raising activities for the Club. 
  • Coordinate with the Treasurer, the expenditure and receipt of funds for fund-raising activities. 
  • Coordinate and direct: Back-to-Hockey night, Skate-a-Thon, Awards Night, any outside skills workshops, camps, etc
  • ​​​​​​​Serve other duties or functions as may be required by the Board.


  • Maintain the Club’s website with updated schedules and other pertinent information.
  • ​​​​​​​Send out email blasts and monthly newsletter
  • Manage communications between the board and the club
  • ​​​​​​​Create e-flyers and electronically distribute handouts promoting Club membership
  • Seek opportunities to publicize the Club and to solicit Club membership, and bring those opportunities to the Board of Directors for approval, as needed.
  • ​​​​​​​Work with SportsEngine to create/update registrations each season well in advance
  • Serve other duties or functions as may be required by the Board.


  • Head the Tournament Committee for all tournaments hosted by the Club.
  • ​​​​​​​Prepare game schedules for all Club tournaments with the Scheduler.
  • Maintains Club Tournament website
  • ​​​​​​​Coordinate with the Treasurer, the expenditure and receipt of funds for tournament activities.
  • Act as the liaison between the Club and the following:
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​NorCal and CAHA
  • Snoopy's Home Ice
  • ​​​​​​​IHONC
  • Visiting club managers/coaches
  • Vendors
  • Delegate tasks as necessary. Serve other duties or functions as may be required by the Board.


  • One member shall coordinate information flow to all Club Members and act as liaison between the Board of Directors and travel teams. 
  • ​​​​​​​One member shall coordinate all House activities and act as liaison between the Board of Directors and the House participants. 
  • One member shall serve as the Assistant Tournament Director. 
  • ​​​​​​​All shall serve other duties or functions as may be required by the Board.

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